Hosting a Show

Competitions are the entire purpose of the SKC. Dog shows/competitions were created to show off a dogs work ability/physique for bragging rights.


Any member can host a competition

» Members can host any and as many competitions as they wish as long as approved.

» Hosts will be responsible for making sure the entries uphold to the rules/standards for the shows.

» Hosts can be a judge to their own show(s), however not required.

» Hosts will be responsible for making the prizes for the winners

» Hosts may not enter into their own shows.

» If the host fails their duties 2 times, they are no longer eligible to host.

Please Contact SKC Club Director

Show Announcement Sample

*We Recommend To Upload A Picture As The Title But It Is Optional*


- Competition Name -

About The Show
You can write here info on what the show is about, the scene, etc. However, this is optional.

Judge Info
Judging for this competition is: Create a Text Link to the Member's profile ( SAMPLE Judge SKC )

Start Date: Date/Time Starts
Entry End Date: Date/Time Entries Can Be Submitted
Results: The Date Results Will Be Posted

Breeds: Which breeds are allowed to participate in the competition
Arena: Specify if the show arena will take place indoor, outdoor or both
Rules: Please read and follow (Create a text link to the General Show Rules)
SAMPLE General Show Rules and the (Create text link to the specific guideline related to your show) SAMPLE Competition Related Guidelines

You can add as many exercises to your show if it applies to that specific competition (ie: You CANNOT do Weight Pull in a Dock Diving competition. This will always be open for participants to choose which exercises they want to compete in (ie: For Obedience Trials, participants can do all 3 trials Obedience, Herding and Field or just 1)
If there are classes, write down which class has to do which exercise. If there are no classes remove this section.

Fill out this form to participate:
*1 Dog Per Entry Form*

Dog Registered Name:
SKC Dog Registration Number:
Handler Name:

